Sister Norma Pimentel
Executive Director of CCRGV

It is my pleasure to share with you Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley is committed to make the best effort in responding to the needs of people in our community. The social mission of the Church to help those in need is clearly advanced through services carried out by all who participate with Catholic Charities.
This comprehensive effort includes the staff of Catholic Charities who believe in what they do and are dedicated to serving those in need, the volunteers who give of their time to care for others, the partner agencies who join in the effort by networking together in responding to a need in our community, the funders who trust in the outcomes we deliver, and to all who in some way have supported the efforts of Catholic Charities in the Rio Grande Valley.
While we are very proud of our accomplishments, there remains much work to be done. I pray to our loving God that He bestows on us all the grace we need to continue carrying out the social mission of the Church with compassion and respect. Thank you again for being a part of Catholic Charities.
Sincerely yours,
Sister Norma Pimentel
Executive Director